The X Chronicles

it isn’t up to her, OR waking up to a bright new day

I’ve been reflecting on this sentiment, what with the election and all, and our dear, Glorious Leader declaring himself the winner, because, well, of course he is. He says he won, that means he won. Results and votes matter very little, right? It’s an odd thing, having a narcissist in your life and living with …

it isn’t up to her, OR waking up to a bright new day Read More »

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her web of lies: an unfortunate fairytale, or how I put my past behind me

This is her life. She no longer has anything but a tightly cordial, transactional relationship with someone she used to claim was the love of her life.  If she has a relationship with her children, they never speak of it in kind terms.  She believes the last decade of her life was a waste- as …

her web of lies: an unfortunate fairytale, or how I put my past behind me Read More »

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