“could i live without you, master?”

The quick and dirty answer is, “Yes.”

Of course I’m able to physically stay alive apart from Him and his place of residence. The truth is more complicated.

I wholly believe a relationship is valid, regardless of space sharing. As someone who shares her home with a partner and three others still currently shorter than herself (she is absolutely not short, she is very average height for a female person, thank you!), I understand this may sound a bit facetious. But I have many treasured relationships that do not live with me. Besides, I do not need a relationship to resemble mine to respect it.

I could live away from him. Probably. Maybe.

Except I’m not very good at turning off lights.

Master chides me, but he also turns them off. I don’t like his socks on the floor, but I put them in the laundry. I have to wash his clothes, along with mine, and the kids…I feel like I do laundry ALL the time, anymore. But I also rarely do dishes, because they take care of that. I like laundry. I hate dishes. Balance.

If I left and lived on my own, I would have to do everything myself. Could I do it? I suppose I could. Technically. I wouldn’t be alone alone. Plenty of others would be like me, probably happily choosing to live alone (it isn’t that I doubt this, but that I’m sure, unlike myself, many would enthusiastically choose this lifestyle).

I don’t think I want to live alone.

I love having my master wake up with me in the morning (perhaps less so when he snores in my ear at night, but I do love how he squeezes me tight like his teddy bear!)

I love building a life that I could not do alone. I could, as stated, create my own little piece of the world. I could live without you.

So let me answer the question thus,

Each and every morning, master,

I choose to stay with you. 

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