I am tired of the stupid bullshit and propoganda taught in our current society. I think some might be salvaged, but the toxic masculinity/feminity, racist, etc junk? No. I just don’t want any of that, anymore.
If Kitty had her own spaceship, these are the movies, TV shows, & books she would ensure:
- Professor Marston & the Wonder Women (real life story about kink & polyamory)
- Bohemian Rhapsody (real life story about bisexuality and possibly polyamory)
- Knives Out (elegantly crafted murder mystery with an ending that inspires)
- WALL-E (Love, compersion, climate change warning)
- Alfred Hitchcock’s movies
- Classic romantic comedies
- Pixar movies
- Disney princess movies IF reimagined for historical accuracy & eliminating toxic monogamous & hypermasculine/hyperfeminine elements (i.e. no damsel in distress being saved by white knight)
- All the MCU movies
- Knives Out (Possibly “Brick”)
TV Shows
- MCU shows
- Monty Python shows
- Harry Potter series
- “The Crown” series
- Hunger Game series
- Percy Jackson series
- Arc of a Scythe series
- The Foundation series
- Dune series
- Six Degrees of Separation
- Sure Thing
- Shakespeare complete collection
- Spamalot
In addition,
- Must be equitable number of female and male leads
- Must especially be an equitable number of young adult movies/books/shows with female and male leads
- Must have balance of romantic relationship models (monogamous, open relationships, solopoly, nonromantic & polyamorous)
- Must include representation of all genders, all races, all sexualities, & both sexes