thank you for capturing my mind
You say my body is a treasure. You touch it as if for the first time, each and every time, savoring the feel, the softness, the warmth. Your body is so warm, how is that possible, you say. You slap it, play with it like it’s a toy. You mark it with red lines and rosy pink splashes of color. At night, it transforms into your teddy bear.
But it is my mind that you desire above all else. My willing submission to your gaze, your tone that commands me to Do. As. You. Say. I am grateful you value my mind above all else. I am touched that you sought it out, even as you claimed my body for the first time. The body caught your eye, but the mind caught all that mattered.
thank you for making me feel loved
I do not lack for love in this little life of mine. Yet my stupid little kitten brain (she can be very smart and intuitive, but oh so dumb, too!) often tells me I am worthless, ignorant, and not deserving of love and respect. That you cannot possibly care for me.
But then you force me to confront reality. To see the love that comes from my family, my friends, my chosen ones, and, especially, from you. Each and every morning to when I fall asleep in the wee hours of the night.
thank you for giving me the world
I promise you that I do not lack in anything you can give me.
I have an abundance of love, affection, dedication, and joy. Sheer, unadulterated joy, giggling as if I were a child but with the confidence (such as it may be) of a woman. I trust that you will never tear me down, but only build me up.
You are there for me, as I had never imagined a person could be. I am your world, as you are mine– of a sort. But there is so much more to this world, and I know that you will never deny me any of it. Particularly the only parts that matter to me. Finding love and connection with fellow human beings.
Thank you for knowing I am a greedy little kitten that does want more– but never calling me selfish nor greedy for that desire.
Thank you for helping me find everything I could want and more. I hope to share it all with you!