Sometimes the words can’t be pulled back
Sometimes the words knife through
Sometimes the poison has already seeped into the cut
Under the chestnut tree, I sold you and you sold me
Sometimes there is no happy ending
Sometimes the story simply fades
Sometimes the words feel good to say,
until the person walks away, saying
“I have nothing more to say to you.”
Sometimes it’s only words inflicted
Sometimes it’s said in anger that dissipates
“I’m only being honest. I’m only saying how I feel.”
Sometimes it’s okay to speak hard words
Sometimes it’s necessary to have even one person
to whom you can say absolutely anything.
Sometimes you have to forgive because
you’ll want to be forgiven for saying words you don’t mean
Sometimes, there is no going back.
Sometimes it is like knocking over a jar of marbles. The jar can be set upright and all the marbles returned.
Other times, like you describe, it is like knocking over a jar of honey. Sure you can set it upright. Sure you can try and gather what spilled back into it. But, you will never get it all back. Furthermore, it is likely unwanted things will be stuck in it, when you do. Therefore, what you get back will never be what you had before. That has been irrevocably changed.
“Knocking over a jar of honey”….great image! I love explaining life through analogies and images. Makes it so much easier to understand!